AIG Women's Open

Mixed Zone

Friday, 11 August 2023

Lilia Vu

Q. You must be pleased with the efforts to be so high up on the leaderboard at the end of day two?

LILIA VU: Yeah, I feel like post-Chevron Championship, I've been struggling a little bit, and to finally, hopefully, be in contention by the end of today, it just feels really rewarding.

I felt like I've had a hard couple of months just with everything and dealing with just my expectations of myself, so it's nice to be in contention.

Q. What's the secret to success out here?

LILIA VU: I think just not being too hard on myself. I think every time I get in my own way, it's when I'm too focused on winning.

But if I just focus on playing my game and just hopefully being in contention, then I'm in a good position to try and win instead of just getting really upset if I mess up on a hole, and I did that last week. I got upset when I was playing well, and then just couldn't hold it together after because I thought it was just over. And I'm just trying to be in a better mindset this week.

Q. It's a different challenge, as well, and you've obviously adapted to the challenge.

LILIA VU: Yeah, the course is playing really long. It's firm, fast, and I'm just trying to play one shot at a time.

Q. And just lastly, obviously a couple of shots behind, we won't know until the end of the day, but you must be pleased to be in contention going into the weekend?

LILIA VU: Yeah, I'm excited for it and hopefully we can make a couple birdies, a lot of birdies this weekend.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
135755-1-1003 2023-08-11 11:57:00 GMT

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