Q. Just ran into a very, very hot golfer today?
CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, she played unbelievable, really. And I just don't feel like I got a break to be fair, starting from the last hole -- first hole, I hit a good putt.
And then yeah just felt like from 5, I lipped-out. It was a death lipout all the way around the hole, and I just didn't feel anything went my way, even some lies that I had and I was just running out of steam at the end.
No, she played great. Yeah, it's just annoying because this is my fourth second-place finish of the year, so yeah, and second second-place finish in a major.
But I really feel like next year will be my time for me just because I'm going to really focus on working on that over this winter. I feel like I want to start tomorrow with my coach.
Q. 15, that must have given you --
CHARLEY HULL: Oh, yeah, the putt. That was a good shot. I pitched it exactly where my caddie told me to pitch it, 15 feet short of the pin. Just trickled down and went in. I actually thought I hit a good putt on 16 for eagle and it just broke right and Lilia's broke left.
So I feel like later on in the day, the meadow grass comes through a little bit and they are just not quite as true. But listen, I holed the putt on the last, so I can't complain.
Q. What's it like seeing so many young fans?
CHARLEY HULL: It's unbelievable. I was shocked how many young kids came up to me to be fair. It's quite cute and really inspiring because when I was younger I used to look up to Laura but it's kind of cool how they are looking up to me now. The signs, it's lovely.
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