AIG Women's Open

Mixed Zone

Thursday, 22 August 2024

Lottie Woad

Q. How was it out there?

LOTTIE WOAD: Birdies are very hard to come by. Try to keeping the numbers down and trying to read the greens. Kind of glad to be done but just a mental battle.

Q. Have you ever played in anything like this before?

LOTTIE WOAD: We had the Women's Amateur at Portmarnock and one day the match play, 50-mile-an-hour gusts, so pretty similar to that. Just kind of got to stick to your target lines and just not do too much.

Growing up in England, I'm used to playing in the wind. Played a lot over the summer. Definitely helps that I have that experience and know how to play it. Just got to keep the ball on the ground, really.

Just try not to too ahead of myself. I was around par or under with a fair few holes to play. You're just thinking about the clubhouse and try not to get too far ahead of yourself, and you can let some shots go in this wind pretty easily.

Q. Are you pinching yourself --

LOTTIE WOAD: Yeah, it's definitely been a special year for me. Just playing in all these majors. I've been getting some good invites. Curtis Cup next week. Just try and enjoy it.

Q. What's your goal this week?

LOTTIE WOAD: Just try to play all four days and make the weekend. You know, if you can get four rounds around here, it's pretty nice, and just seeing where I compare.

Q. How do you --

LOTTIE WOAD: How do I -- I mean, not too far. Still a ways to go. But yeah, didn't do too bad today.

Before scrambled pretty well today. Just trying to escape with pars, really.

Q. What are your plans?

LOTTIE WOAD: I've still got two more years of college. Just going to do that.

Q. Curtis Cup next week --

LOTTIE WOAD: Yeah, it was really nice. We had a fun nine holes together. Got to know her quite a bit this year. So she's obviously a very accomplished captain, which is going to be great for us. Hopefully will help us get the win.

She definitely kept the ball low and she's played here a lot and lives in Scotland and plays links golf. Just watching her knock it out of the wear is what I was trying to do today, just try to keep it low and flight every shot, really.

Q. How was it with the crowds --

LOTTIE WOAD: Yeah, I enjoy them, getting playing in front of the crowds fires me on and I enjoy it. Getting to play in these big venues is a great opportunity for me.

A little bit sore after. Had not used some of those muscles before. We were all a little sore the next day playing Sunningdale.

Q. Do you have people coming?

LOTTIE WOAD: Yeah, I have a lot of family coming up, friends supporting me this week, for sure.

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147557-1-1003 2024-08-22 13:16:00 GMT

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