AIG Women's Open

Mixed Zone

Thursday, 22 August 2024

Georgia Hall

Q. Talk us through the eagle?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, I had 327 yards to the pin. Wind was helping a bit and I thought I could maybe get there. I did pull out a 5-iron and was going to lay up short of the bunkers but I thought I might not be able to reach this green.

Again, another day. I hit a perfect drive to 20-foot and holed it.

Q. You obviously like this place. Last time you were here, you played with pretty famous people?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, Tiger, Rory and Lee Trevino. That's the last time I played 18 holes -- well, I had some media stuff a couple months ago. But obviously fond memories here and this is my first Women's Open back in 2013.

This is my favourite place, like ever. I prefer here than home. I just really enjoy being here and trying to make the most of the opportunity.

Q. How would you compare the conditions?

GEORGIA HALL: I definitely some of the toughest conditions I've ever played in for sure. Just thankful it wasn't raining because I would say it's -- I mean, you couldn't even read the greens because you had to think about where the wind was actually going.

Probably up there with the windiest -- probably the windiest I've ever played in. Yeah, it was a struggle for sure, like mentally very -- such a battle.

Q. What was the longest putt you had?

GEORGIA HALL: 3-iron on the first hole. Managed to birdie it. It was the widest fairway in the word and I hit a terrible drive. Thank God it's wide. I was left -- near the left fence, hit 3-iron.

Q. How far?


Q. (Off mic.)

GEORGIA HALL: A few times for sure. The ball -- I was very glad we didn't stop play. I love those conditions, whether I play bad or not, I much prefer -- like this is a true Women's Open like this, and I believe that's how it should be every day; and that's part of the battle with the weather, and I just tried to make the most out of that out there.

I was a bit worried a few times but I think the R&A are very clever with letting the greens be a bit slower so the balls weren't rolling. I think if they cut them to a certain length, we would have to stop. So credit to the R&A for that.

Q. Do you look out, you're having breakfast, and see it's windy, does that make you more excited than playing at Woburn or something?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, a hundred per cent. I looked out my hotel room and I can see the range, the flags on the range and that's a good indicator for me and it was 5.00am, and they were blowing a gale, and I was like, that's great. Hope it stays like that.

Not sure many players would agree with me. I hardly get to play like this. I play in America a lot, and to me it's more of a wooden form of golf. This is natural, raw golf.

Q. Saying how much you love St Andrews, you're really enjoying the experience around town?

GEORGIA HALL: I love it. I want to try and have a place one day here for sure. I'm actually sad every day goes by because it's a day less I get to be here and play here. I'm not sure when the next time we'll be here for me, and I'm not sure if I'll be playing or not. Just really enjoying it.

Q. Are you in the Old Course Hotel?


Q. How would you characterise your year?

GEORGIA HALL: Normally, if you look at my last ten years, eight out of ten, I normally come into form around June, July time. I'm normally quite late. Late starter.

But yeah, obviously first half of the year was probably some of the worst performance of golf that I've had. But my golf actually wasn't bad. Mentally I was just struggling a little bit but now, yeah, the past couple months, my results have been pretty good, I would say. Pretty consistent. Put myself into contention a few times.

I was pretty confident coming into this event, obviously just outside top 10 last week, so yeah.

To be fair, I was happy signing my scorecard for one over on the last hole. So to manage to get an eagle there is definitely a bonus and obviously I have quite a wait tore physical symptom now. Definitely builds confidence. I would say I would try and hit balls but it's impossible.

In 2013, as an amateur, was my first British Open here. I was quite young, 16 then, when I was playing in this.

Q. You were top 10, weren't you?

GEORGIA HALL: I was close, something like that. I was playing with Laura Davies, so I was pretty nervous.

Q. What do you think of the locker room?

GEORGIA HALL: I think it's one of best locker rooms I've seen for sure. They have been great with keeping with the history. Doesn't look too modern which is nice. It's massive for the players. Great service for us. In terms of the services, the players' lounge, it's the best Women's Open we've had like facility-wise.

Q. What are in the facilities?

GEORGIA HALL: Nail spa which I haven't used. They have ice baths and a relaxation room which is more mental health, which I think is very good because that's just as important as physical. I think we always have the gym and things like that, but sometimes that's not looked at enough. So we have all the books, the chairs, just things like that, music, it's quite good.

Q. Do you need an ice bath after today?

GEORGIA HALL: Definitely not. It's hard to drink. It's quite cold and windy. You don't want to have cold water.

Q. (Talking about mental health.)

GEORGIA HALL: Well, sometimes I look negatively on things. Like more outside of golf. Just kind of let it affect my mentality on the golf course and now I try and see and be grateful for what I have in my life and that I get to do a job that I love and be more positive. Have a more positive outlook. Yeah, along with some good golf, as well, helps me with that.

I don't think anyone can win a golf tournament unless they are mentally happy and in a good place on and off the golf course, and I think that's just very important. As golfers, we spends our life being a golfer and having everyone look at us but we don't have a lot of time to focus on ourselves off the course.

I've come to kind of recognise who I am off the golf course, not just Georgia Hall the golfer. So I think that's been good for me.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
147558-1-1003 2024-08-22 13:28:00 GMT

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