Q. Talk about the conditions out there and how tough it was.
LILIA VU: Yeah, it was super tough. I mean, you just have to be on every single shot. You have to be really disciplined. Front nine, winds off the left, kind of between hurting and helping, and then back nine, you kind of have to rewire your brain, like okay, winds off the right, it's okay to hit out to the right and then have it come back. It's just definitely a mental battle.
Q. What was the challenge to being out there for six plus hours and having to wait four groups on 11 tee, things like that? What's the challenge when the pace is so slow out there?
LILIA VU: I think it's just staying warm. Especially for me with my back stuff, I just am constantly stretching even when the pace is good. Definitely had to do a lot of that.
Q. You get off to a good start. What's been hitting this season that's allowing you to get off to a strong start in your title defense?
LILIA VU: I think it's just comforting knowing that it's tough for everybody, not just me, so I knew that we were all in this together. I was just going to try my best out here.
Q. You had a 3-, a 4- and a 5-under in the group. Did you feed off each other?
LILIA VU: Yeah, for sure. Everyone is so solid in this group. It was definitely a lot of fun, and I can't wait for tomorrow.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports