Q. A little bit easier out there today?
ALLY EWING: The start was definitely easier.
Q. Can you compare the conditions yesterday to today and how the day progressed?
ALLY EWING: Yeah, I think the start of today was kind of -- there was very little wind. It was a little misty to start. 7:11, I feel like we came up with the sun. But yes, in comparison, when we made the turn here starting on 1, the wind kind of started to pick up a good bit, and by the time we got to like 5 or 6, you can kind of see when you get out to those holes near the water, it's really getting gusty and picking up pretty good. I would foresee the afternoon has pretty similar wind conditions to what we had yesterday.
Q. (No microphone.)
ALLY EWING: Yeah, I think just with the start, those birdies came when it was a little bit more scorable. It was a little less wind. Still kind of misty. Just kind of judging with the moisture in the air and on the ball how far balls were going to pitch and everything like that. Taking advantage of the conditions when they weren't blowing like it is right now was definitely huge when I started to make the turn.
Q. (No microphone.)
ALLY EWING: Yeah, I'm trying to think back. I drove the green on 12, and then I think aside from that, it was just good shots in, making putts. Maybe I made a three-footer on one hole, but aside from that, I think I just made a couple putts from 8 to 12 feet, something like that.
Q. What do you think has allowed you to have a little bit of success at this tournament?
ALLY EWING: Yeah, I think one big thing is just acceptance. There's nothing that I can do about the weather or the wind or anything, and being very decisive with my caddie, talking through a lot of things. What's hard is to really imagine how much the ball is going to move out there and picking the start lines and just being very precise with that and hoping that it finishes where you've also picked. Then you also have to factor in when the ball hits the ground, it's not a guarantee that it's just staying right there. So you're factoring in another 10 yards of maybe release to the right. It's just really having a good game plan, but then it also boils down to really good execution, too.
Q. (No microphone.)
ALLY EWING: I did, so Katherine Kirk and I, I can't remember if it was a Tuesday or a Wednesday, but at 5:30 p.m. we walked up to the tee here and asked if we could play. We played 1, 2, 3 and then it came a torrential downpour, and we said, we've got a tournament to start Thursday, so we just walked up 17 and 18, and that was the first taste I had. But it was way different back in 2017 from what I remembered when I played it starting this week.
Q. (No microphone.)
ALLY EWING: I can't remember if it was a Tuesday or Wednesday because I had to Monday in. I Mondayed in at -- I don't recall what golf course we played. But I got in on Monday night. I think it may have been a Tuesday night. But I could be wrong.
Q. Was this the first time -- this week was the first time I had played here since then?
ALLY EWING: Yes. Yeah.
Q. (No microphone.)
ALLY EWING: Yeah, I think St Andrews is just historic. It's just so much history. So yeah, it would be super special. But as I've said all year, I've played really solid in the majors. The biggest thing that you have to do or that I have to do is just stay as much in the present as I can, take away all distractions. You do all that, you still have to hit golf shots.
It's just kind of whatever I can do to wipe out anything that would prevent me from hitting good golf shots, that's what I'm trying to eliminate.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports