AIG Women's Open

Mixed Zone

Sunday, 25 August 2024

Louise Rydqvist

Q. What did you make of the week?

LOUISE RYDQVIST: Great week it's been an awesome experience. I'm so, so happy to be here. It been fun to be out here. It's been challenging, but a good challenge, and I feel like I took it on pretty well and proud of how I fought out there.

Q. A particularly amazing day on Friday and a couple of days to have that sink in. How was that for you?

LOUISE RYDQVIST: Yeah, it was obviously amazing. That was probably one of the best rounds of golf I've ever played and to do it here in the British Open, in the AIG Women's Open, couldn't get any better, I guess. I'm very happy and pleased that I was able to show myself and others that I can play really good golf even on this high level.

Q. You've had some pretty amazing playing partners, too, this week, players that have won the Smyth Salver and gone onto win the AIG Women's Open, Anna Nordqvist and Georgia Hall.

LOUISE RYDQVIST: It was a great experience. Both of those are amazing players and human beings, super nice.

Q. What did you make of the conditions in the final round?

LOUISE RYDQVIST: Yeah, the back nine got very difficult. The holes turning in towards the clubhouse was straight into the wind and they got very long. You know, didn't hit the fairways quite as much as I wanted. So made them even longer.

Q. It's been a great week for the amateurs in general here at St Andrews. Four of you making the cut. Can you talk about how great that's been for all four of you to be here for the weekend?

LOUISE RYDQVIST: It's been awesome. I've seen them around. They are all my friend. We're just super happy and pleased to be here, and to play so well is always an accomplishment. Very happy to see where amateur golf is going and that our competitive schedules in golf and summers, it's highly competitive and we can compete out here.

Q. Lottie at the moment is contending for the full championship. It's been an incredible week.

LOUISE RYDQVIST: I'm super happy for her. She won the Augusta when I was there and such an incredible moment. Yeah, just very, very happy for her.

Q. What are your plans now for the rest of the year?

LOUISE RYDQVIST: The plans are that I'm flying back to the University of South Carolina on Tuesday. Going to be playing our fall schedule all around the U.S. Trying to do my best and climb the rankings and just prepare for the pro life coming up next year.

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147660-1-1003 2024-08-25 13:12:00 GMT

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