Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Tuesday, 9 November 2021

Natthakritta Vongtaveelap

Q. Thank you so much for joining us at the Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific. Are you excited to be here?

NATTHAKRITTA VONGTAVEELAP: Sure, I'm very, very excited.

Q. You've just played a practice round. What did you think of the golf course?

NATTHAKRITTA VONGTAVEELAP: The golf course is not so long and not so short. It's okay for me. Sometimes it's too hot, but okay.

Q. You in Thailand are known for hitting the ball a long way. Your driver goes a long way.


Q. Wow. Do you think that being able to hit the ball such a long way will be good for this golf course?

NATTHAKRITTA VONGTAVEELAP: Not really (laughter). Just some holes I cannot start up with my driver, but in total it's better than driving short because I can drive over the bunker easier than short players.

Q. This year in Thailand, you have won twice?

NATTHAKRITTA VONGTAVEELAP: In professional, yes, two wins.

Q. So two wins in professional tournaments?


Q. Does that make you very confident in your game and your abilities?

NATTHAKRITTA VONGTAVEELAP: Yes more confident in my games.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
114565-2-2078 2021-11-09 10:39:00 GMT

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