Q. Caitlin, thank you so much for joining us here in Abu Dhabi for the Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific. How are you feeling to be here?
CAITLIN MAURICE: It's so cool. It's such a cool experience. It's been great to be able to catch up with the other Kiwi girls after being away for so long, all of us.
The course is amazing. It's just such an experience, culturally and everything. It's very cool.
Q. You've just mentioned the course. You've played two practice rounds here at Abu Dhabi Golf Club. What are your thoughts?
CAITLIN MAURICE: It's just in such beautiful condition. You rarely see a divot on the fairways. It's so pure to be able to hit off. We're so lucky. It's so nice.
It is playing a little bit longer, but it's such a cool experience. It's so nice. Nicest course I've ever played.
Q. What sort of holes do you think will be key for you this week?
CAITLIN MAURICE: There's a few definitely tight tee shots that from the tee they look very wide, but then when you get up there, you're like, wow, it's very tight. The water comes in play sometimes. And just the bunkers off the tee with the driver.
We're lucky with the two practice rounds to get the lines off the tees really well. I feel very prepared with that information.
Q. This is your first time competing in the Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific. It's always something that I think all the girls in the region really target as a goal each year. Talk to us a little bit about how great it is to be here.
CAITLIN MAURICE: Yeah, it's amazing to be here. Getting an e-mail from the group was really cool. And having the opportunity to be with the other Kiwi girls because we've all been away from home in New Zealand for a while. So it's cool to be able to catch up with everyone.
It just means so much to be here, such an opportunity. Great players from across the world, playing with everyone from different places is really cool.
Q. Obviously there's a lot on offer as well for the champions, a start in two major championships, the AIG Women's Open, the Evian Championship. Is it nerve-racking to think about what's on the line?
CAITLIN MAURICE: Yes, I guess when you think about it. But to be honest, I'm just out here, I just want to have a good time and experience everything it's got to offer. This tournament is run like none other any of us have played before. Just have fun out there and enjoy it.
At the end of the day, there's always stuff like that. Just go enjoy it out there. It's golf.
Q. You just joined Sacramento State in the U.S. What's your season been like?
CAITLIN MAURICE: It's been really busy but really cool. We went out to Virginia and Vegas and Monterey, just some beautiful places. So very lucky the courses I've been able to play. Very different from New Zealand, so the experience has been great. This is a perfect end of the year here. It's amazing.
Q. Talk about what your form's been like coming into this championship.
CAITLIN MAURICE: It's good. I'm lucky to be able to play heaps of golf before I'm got here with tournament golf. We finished about two weeks ago, so it's perfect timing to get ready for this event as well.
It's just been a lot in college, but it's great for my game. So it's really good.
Q. Have you set yourself any goals coming into this week?
CAITLIN MAURICE: Honestly, just trying to enjoy it out here and just take in everything, with the tournament , all the opportunities and to meet everyone.
It will all come. Like we all know how to play golf out here. There's great golfers out here. So just see how it will go and just enjoy it.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports