Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Lei Ye

Q. Lei Ye, thank you so much for joining us. 2-under to begin the Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific. Are you happy with your performance today?

LEI YE: I had a little bit of a rough start, so I'm quite happy to be able to bring it back to under par, especially when the wind picked up on the back nine.

Q. When you get off to a rough start, how difficult is it to refocus the mindset and grind out a good score like you have?

LEI YE: I think I've always been pretty good about not giving up and trying to always fight back and do the best I can. So that definitely is something I'm used to doing.

Q. 2-under after the first round, nicely positioned on the leaderboard heading into the next two days. How are you feeling with the remainder of the championship?

LEI YE: I think I just need to be able to focus on each shot and not think too far ahead going into the next round. And also having a little more confidence in myself in the beginning, I think that would really help.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
114612-2-2078 2021-11-10 10:40:00 GMT

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