Q. You finished the first round with a 3-under 69. How do you feel about today?
YOUMIN HWANG: I got a birdie in the beginning. Since then, I've been frustrated. However, I vowed to play with confidence. I scored a good score.
Q. How was the golf course setting?
YOUMIN HWANG: The pinflag location was fine. The green speed was also well adapted.
Q. What was different from the practice round?
YOUMIN HWANG: I could see better where the ball should not fall.
Q. Is there a ball that you remember?
YOUMIN HWANG: Mistakes were made in the second and third shots on the 17th hole. I thought a 16-feet distance putt went in, but the ball went around the hole and came out. It was a shame. The scene doesn't leave my mind.
Q. What do you need to make up for?
YOUMIN HWANG: There were no birdies in the 100-yard inner shot. I missed the putting chance. I will focus on creating birdies.
Q. What's your future strategy?
YOUMIN HWANG: Since I play for a day, I will try to play better.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports