Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Thursday, 11 November 2021

Cassie Porter

Q. Cassie, thank you so much for joining us, 3-under here in the second round of the Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific, 6-under total. Happy with your past two days of work?

CASSIE PORTER: Yeah, it's been alright, pretty consistent. It's all about capitalizing on opportunities when they present themselves out there. I probably could have done a little bit better today, but you can't say you're unhappy with a 3-under.

Q. It looked like you certainly capitalized on a few opportunities out there, a number of birdies on the card. What holes did they come out?

CASSIE PORTER: Oh, gosh, I have no clue. Probably 4th hole but I had a few to many bogeys out there. It would have been nice if I could cut those out, but it is what it is.

Q. Can you talk to us about any moments that were highlights for you or any parts of your game that were in great shape today?

CASSIE PORTER: On the 12th I did exactly the same as yesterday, so I think it was recorded in the filming yesterday. I almost holed it, and I did that again today. So I think that was a nice kind of proving to myself that it wasn't a fluke.

Yeah, things like that happened all the way around. Just a few bad shots out there, but that's alright.

Q. Anything in particular that you feel like you need to be working on?

CASSIE PORTER: Yeah, definitely putting. As I said, I didn't capitalize on that enough today, so 20 minutes of putting is probably coming my way in the next half an hour.

Q. Feeling confident heading into the final two days?

CASSIE PORTER: Yeah, if I just stick to my processes and do what I've been doing the last three days, hopefully everything will line up, and it will be alright.

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