Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Thursday, 11 November 2021

Jeonghyun Lee

Q. There were no bogeys with four birdies today. How do you feel?

JEONGHYUN LEE: I recorded five bogeys yesterday. It was a shame. I thought I shouldn't record bogey today. It went well. I am satisfied.

Q. Were you aware of the mistake yesterday?

JEONGHYUN LEE: I made up for my mistakes in yesterday's practice. I thought a lot during practice. I tried not to record the bogey.

Q. Now, the second round is over, and moving day begins tomorrow. Did you adjust to Bermuda grass?

JEONGHYUN LEE: Other swings were the same, but definitely different when approaching around the green. But it's better to adapt than yesterday.

Q. How do you feel about the shot?

JEONGHYUN LEE: Overall, my long game and short game putting is okay.

Q. How did you get used to the local area?

JEONGHYUN LEE: It's different from Korea, but I'm resting well and eating well. Good. I'm doing well.

Q. What do you think of mistakes and things to make up for?

JEONGHYUN LEE: Today's putting was good. However, when tired from the shot, it was sometimes pushed to the right. I will play while thinking about that part.

Q. Will you be able to catch up with the lead?

JEONGHYUN LEE: There are still two days left. I'll hit it hard and catch up. I think it's possible. I'll cheer up.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
114645-2-2064 2021-11-11 10:25:00 GMT

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