Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Thursday, 11 November 2021

Youmin Hwang

Q. You recorded six birdies and three bogeys today. How do you feel?

YOUMIN HWANG: At first, it worked out well, and I thought it would go well. But I recorded a bogey on the back nine. It was a disappointing day.

Q. What kind of mistake was it?

YOUMIN HWANG: I made a bogey with three putts. I made a bogey in an easy short game. That part is unfortunate.

Q. What will be supplemented?

YOUMIN HWANG: I was ahead of myself because there were a lot of birdies in the beginning. That's why I got three putts. Now I'm trying to be calm. 18 holes are long, so I need calmness.

Q. Have you adapted to the local area?

YOUMIN HWANG: Food and sleep have adapted. I also practiced on the grass a lot and adapted.

Q. There is a difference in strokes from the lead. How to overcome it?

YOUMIN HWANG: Foreign players are good at playing. There's a lot to learn. I'll keep up with the lead as much as I can. I won't look back. I'll just look forward.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
114646-2-2078 2021-11-11 10:25:00 GMT

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