Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Saturday, 13 November 2021

Lei Ye


Q. 3-under par in the final round of the Women's Amateur Asia Pacific. You finished up 5-under for the week. Can you sum up your performance?

LEI YE: I am pretty happy with how I did today. I started off really strong. Hit my approach shots close and gave myself some good looks at birdies. And I think I made three on the front.

On the back, I felt like my swing started to go a little bit wonky again. It's been a pattern this week. It's just something that I'm going to continue to work on with my coach. A little bit of an adjustment period right now, but I'm happy I finished bogey-free.

Q. Could you talk to us what it means to you have competed in this championship this week against some of the best players in this region?

LEI YE: The Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific has always been one of my favorite tournaments of the year. And I was really sad last year that it got canceled. But this week has been a great experience. Really cool to come here to Abu Dhabi, my first time in the Middle East. It's really hot, but I did get to see some cool things and see some new culture.

And with the players, it's just been a really great experience. I get to see how I'm doing against the best. Because I'm playing in the U.S. for most of the year I don't really get to see a lot of these players from Japan, Korea or Thailand. But, yeah, it was just great to compete against them.

Q. What's next for you looking forward to the future?

LEI YE: I think this might be my last event this year. But looking to 2022, I have a lot of college events. Representing Stanford. Hopefully Augusta. I don't know, we'll see.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
114728-2-2078 2021-11-13 10:41:00 GMT

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