Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Saturday, 13 November 2021

Ida Ayu Indira Melati Putri

Q. 2-under par in the final round, 7-under for the total for the Women's Amateur Asia Pacific. Can you tell us about your week?

IDA AYU INDIRA MELATI PUTRI: It's been such a great week. Started off not so strong but finished it off strong. So I'm very happy about it.

Q. Talk to us about your round today. What moment stood out as highlights?

IDA AYU INDIRA MELATI PUTRI: I also hit a lot of greens today but didn't quite make a lot of putts. I made all pars on the back nine, and just dropped, three birdies this round.

Q. Looks like you'll finish just outside the top 10. What does it mean to you to come to the Women's Amateur Asia Pacific, play against the best players in the region and have such a strong result?

IDA AYU INDIRA MELATI PUTRI: I was thinking about getting into the top 20 before coming here. Finishing off inside of top 15 is very nice. I finished off well.

Q. What do you think will be your lasting memory of this championship?

IDA AYU INDIRA MELATI PUTRI: The players, the competitors, it's so great, the best players around the world in Asia-Pacific. I'm honored to be here. I'm very grateful to be part of the tournament.

Q. What's next for you after this week?

IDA AYU INDIRA MELATI PUTRI: I'm going back home to Bali, Indonesia. I haven't planned a tournament. I'm thinking Australia if it's open. It's the pandemic, I don't know whether it's going to be on or not.

Q. Whereabouts do you play your golf in Bali?

IDA AYU INDIRA MELATI PUTRI: In Qatar and also in San River [phonetic].

Q. The girls have been speaking about how hot it's been. Was that something that wasn't an issue for you?

IDA AYU INDIRA MELATI PUTRI: The last two rounds were so hot. The first two rounds were okay, but it's been getting hotter. It's hard to make out if I'm tired or not.

Q. We can see you've got your knee strapped up there. Have you been playing with a little bit of an injury?

IDA AYU INDIRA MELATI PUTRI: Yes. It's been going on since June. So I've been going to therapy ust maintaining it by taping my knee.

Q. Do you know what exactly has been wrong with it?

IDA AYU INDIRA MELATI PUTRI: I forgot the name. Patello- something. It's scientific so I can't remember. It's the kneecap, though.

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114733-2-2078 2021-11-13 10:36:00 GMT

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