Q. Couldn't quite get it over the line today. Couldn't quite win the trophy. But you must be pleased about your performance this week.
NATTHAKRITTA VONGTAVEELAP: Yes. I'm so excited and so pleased that I was invited to play in this tournament. I feel so great. This has been a new experience and I won't forget it.
Q. You must be a little sad after today?
NATTHAKRITTA VONGTAVEELAP: Yes, sure. But I did my best.
Q. What have you learned from this week?
NATTHAKRITTA VONGTAVEELAP: Many things. A lot. I have never played like this and never been as nervous as this. I've never seen what I've seen here. I will keep improving my mindset and skills.
Q. Did you enjoy being in the final group and the TV cameras?
NATTHAKRITTA VONGTAVEELAP: I enjoyed because it's really a new experience. It was a pleasure.
Q. What's next? What are you going to do next?
NATTHAKRITTA VONGTAVEELAP: Maybe SEA games and The Asian games.
Q. Are you looking forward to coming back to the Women's Amateur?
NATTHAKRITTA VONGTAVEELAP: Yes definitely. We will see next year if I will be champion. I will do my best.
Q. Everyone's enjoyed getting to know you. Everyone loves you. Have you enjoyed meeting new friends here?
NATTHAKRITTA VONGTAVEELAP: Yes I enjoyed making new friends, I always enjoy making new friends.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports