Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Saturday, 13 November 2021

Natthakritta Vongtaveelap

Q. Couldn't quite get it over the line today. Couldn't quite win the trophy. But you must be pleased about your performance this week.

NATTHAKRITTA VONGTAVEELAP: Yes. I'm so excited and so pleased that I was invited to play in this tournament. I feel so great. This has been a new experience and I won't forget it.

Q. You must be a little sad after today?

NATTHAKRITTA VONGTAVEELAP: Yes, sure. But I did my best.

Q. What have you learned from this week?

NATTHAKRITTA VONGTAVEELAP: Many things. A lot. I have never played like this and never been as nervous as this. I've never seen what I've seen here. I will keep improving my mindset and skills.

Q. Did you enjoy being in the final group and the TV cameras?

NATTHAKRITTA VONGTAVEELAP: I enjoyed because it's really a new experience. It was a pleasure.

Q. What's next? What are you going to do next?

NATTHAKRITTA VONGTAVEELAP: Maybe SEA games and The Asian games.

Q. Are you looking forward to coming back to the Women's Amateur?

NATTHAKRITTA VONGTAVEELAP: Yes definitely. We will see next year if I will be champion. I will do my best.

Q. Everyone's enjoyed getting to know you. Everyone loves you. Have you enjoyed meeting new friends here?

NATTHAKRITTA VONGTAVEELAP: Yes I enjoyed making new friends, I always enjoy making new friends.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
114739-3-2078 2021-11-13 11:15:00 GMT

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