Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Minsol Kim

Q. This is your first time to play in the Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific championship; how are you finding it so far?

MINSOL KIM: I was here for practice in Thailand, and now here in Thailand is the WAAP and I have some strange feeling.

Q. What are your first impressions of the course?

MINSOL KIM: It has so many wind and the grass is difficult. It's not like Korea. It's Bermudagrass here. In South Korea don't have many Bermudagrass. The thing about that is grass, make some great shots, and wind, but otherwise it's okay.

Q. What are your expectations for this week?

MINSOL KIM: This is my first experience in this tournament, and I will enjoy this tournament.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
126690-2-1147 2022-11-02 06:18:00 GMT

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