Q. Congratulations. A lovely start for you here at the Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific championship, 3-under. You must be very happy with your round today.
ZULAIKAH NASSER: Thank you, yes. It was a pretty good round today.
Q. Always satisfying when it's bogey-free as well?
ZULAIKAH NASSER: That's definitely right.
Q. Can you talk to us about your round and talk to us about the highlights of your day.
ZULAIKAH NASSER: I think the highlight of the day was just staying positive and knowing I was going to hit bad shots but it's okay, I can recover from it. And just taking one step at a time.
Q. Amongst your three birdies, is there one hole in particular that stands out?
ZULAIKAH NASSER: I don't remember the hole, but it was par-3. I hit it to about three feet. That was pretty good.
Q. What are your thoughts on the course here?
ZULAIKAH NASSER: It's beautiful. The course is in great condition. I love the greens.
Definitely a hard course, especially when the wind blows. But I want to say overall it's pretty good.
Q. You've just flown into Thailand from Texas, where you go to college. How's the jet lag?
ZULAIKAH NASSER: It's been pretty hard, but I think today was okay. I got over it the last two days. I'm still kind of sleepy, but we're going through it.
Q. Malaysian players are going very nicely this week. Of course Liyana is leading. Are you good friends or teammates?
ZULAIKAH NASSER: We've grown up together, so I want to say good friends.
Q. Now looking ahead to the rest of the week, what do you feel like you need to do to continue momentum?
ZULAIKAH NASSER: I feel like I need to do just more of the same. Just keep calm, positive, and one step at a time.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports