Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Saturday, 5 November 2022

Vongtaveelap Natthakritta

Q. Sim 300 doing Sim 300 things. A lovely round of golf. Are you happy?

VONGTAVEELAP NATTHAKRITTA: Yeah. Very happy with my caddie on course. Yeah, so today I made 4-under: two bogeys and six birdies.

Q. Six birdies. That's a lot.

VONGTAVEELAP NATTHAKRITTA: Yeah. My game was perfect.

Q. And you mentioned your caddie. He's been a little bit of a TV celebrity today. He's worked for lots of other famous professional golfers, correct?


Q. What does he bring to your game when he's working with you?

VONGTAVEELAP NATTHAKRITTA: He brings me confidence. He makes me confident with my lies, my yards, things like that, so I can hit the ball clearly.

Q. You find yourself at the top of the leaderboard again here at the Women's Amateur Asia Pacific.


Q. How are you feeling heading into tomorrow? What do you want to do tomorrow?

VONGTAVEELAP NATTHAKRITTA: I feel excited, but for tomorrow it's a new situation.

Q. You said last year in the final round you were just a bit tired and you have learned from that for tomorrow.

VONGTAVEELAP NATTHAKRITTA: Yeah, because last year I did not drink, or eat anything. Yeah, so I prepare myself right for tomorrow now.

Q. You're at the top of the leaderboard with another Thai girl. Is that exciting for you, to have two Thai players leading this championship heading into the final day?

VONGTAVEELAP NATTHAKRITTA: Yeah. I'm excited and I'm proud of her, too, yeah, that she can make it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
126816-3-1147 2022-11-05 08:33:00 GMT

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