Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Saturday, 5 November 2022

Rianne Mikhaela Malixi

Q. Rianne, another nice day for you, 2-under today, 7-under total. How are you feeling?

RIANNE MIKHAELA MALIXI: I'm feeling great. I know I had a couple lip out today, but it's okay. I have the last day tomorrow, so anything can happen.

Q. Anything can happen, especially when you're only one shot off the lead. How are you feeling about that?

RIANNE MIKHAELA MALIXI: I didn't know that. I wasn't really thinking about the scores out there. I was just more focusing on my game, yeah.

Q. What do you need to do to prepare for tomorrow?

RIANNE MIKHAELA MALIXI: Well, couple of putts out there and hit a couple of shots, then same routine for tomorrow.

Q. Are you the kind of player that gets nervous or relaxed? How do you think you'll be feeling tomorrow?

RIANNE MIKHAELA MALIXI: I think I'll be pretty nervous tomorrow, but I will use it in a way that will help me.

Q. I remember when we spoke to you last year, I think you were the youngest player in the field.


Q. How old are you now?


Q. Uh-huh. So 15 is very young to be playing so well and really in the mix with all these fantastic players. Does that make you very proud?

RIANNE MIKHAELA MALIXI: Yeah, but there is a lot of things to improve on.

Q. You say there is a lot to improve on. Can you name just one?

RIANNE MIKHAELA MALIXI: Just making more of the six-footers. I think that's really crucial.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
126818-2-3033 2022-11-05 08:07:00 GMT

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