Q. Justice, perhaps not the round that you were hoping for today. Can you reflect on the week for us?
JUSTICE BOSIO: The week was really amazing. It was great to come away with a whole team of Aussies. First time here, so hopefully bigger and better things next year.
Yeah, overall week was pretty good. I feel like I did pretty good, considering everything.
Q. Talk to us about your golf today. How did you go out there?
JUSTICE BOSIO: It was actually really solid, just by the score. I think I hit the ball probably the best that I have all week. Just nothing went in; every putt missed. (Laughter.)
But then I made a couple of birdies coming down the stretch. I think I got a bit tired. But, yeah.
Q. Is there anything that you learned from this week that you can carry forward with you?
JUSTICE BOSIO: I think I got a little bit better at dealing with heat. I've never played anywhere but the U.S. or Australia, so this was a really good learning experience.
Q. What does it mean to players to have such a prestigious championship in the Asia Pacific for you to be competing in?
JUSTICE BOSIO: Yeah, it's a great tournament. It gives you so many opportunities if you win and it's a great steppingstone for anyone playing.
Q. Going to be back competing for the Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific very soon. Singapore in March. Is that something that you'll set as a goal for yourself?
JUSTICE BOSIO: Yeah, definitely. I would love to be in Singapore and test my game against everyone again next year.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports