Q. You wrote 74 strokes on the scorecard today. How do you feel?
JIYOO LIM: I scored a quintuple bogey on the par-5 sixth hole. The overall shot was not good. The game went on with difficulty. So I didn't get a good score.
Q. Can you think of the situation on the 6th hole again?
JIYOO LIM: The tee shot went in the direction of the left hazard. The second shot also went to the left. I tried layup because the Lie was not good. I unknowingly removed the branches of the tree and received a two penalty as Lie Improvement. After that, I finished with 2 putts. I recorded quintuple bogey.
Q. You did a pleasant 'chip in eagle' on the 18th hole.
JIYOO LIM: There was a bad situation in the sixth hole, but I played with concentration. Then Buddy and Chip in Eagle came out. At the end, I smiled brightly.
The youngest Korean national team player (Hyo song Lee) performed well. It's a pleasant day because Korean players are generally good.
Q. The fifth WAAP will be held in March next year.
JIYOO LIM: If I can play, I will definitely play. Even then, the goal is to win. Same. I will win without making a big mistake like this time.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports