Q. Welcome to the fifth edition of the Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship. This is your second time to play here. How are you feeling this week?
YUNA ARAKI: I'm good.
Q. How is your practice going?
YUNA ARAKI: Very good practice. This golf is very difficult.
Q. How are you finding the course?
YUNA ARAKI: It's in great condition. It's really good. It depends on the hole, but like I find some holes are really good. So that's what I find a little bit difficult, as I say, like, a little bit difficult for this course.
Q. You came very close last year. You came third, I believe, last year in the Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific in Thailand. Are you feeling confident this week?
YUNA ARAKI: Yes, I'm feeling very confident.
Q. How have you prepared for this week?
YUNA ARAKI: I tried to do like more shot for accuracy. And last week I find that on the Korean circuit I had a little bit struggle with putting, so I tried to maintain my putting as well.
Q. What is your goal for this week?
YUNA ARAKI: Try to have much strategy in my brain, and then I try to execute and also I want to keep thinking like what I need to adjust on the course.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports