Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Wednesday, 8 March 2023

Kyorim Seo

Q. Welcome to the Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific championship. This is your first time to play in this championship, correct?


Q. How are you feeling this week?

KYORIM SEO: This is my first appearance, obviously, and I feeling very nervous and at the same time also very excited.

Q. You just had your practice round here at The Singapore Island Country Club. What do you think of the course?

KYORIM SEO: The first time I saw the course I think it looks like a similar course in Korea, but I have to make a different plan because it's really different from the one that I play in Korea. So I'll make my plan for the rest of the four days.

Q. Have your teammates who have played in this championship before given you any tips?

KYORIM SEO: Actually, I didn't have any tips from the previous team players who participated in this event. Nothing. (Laughing.)

Q. What is your goal for this week?

KYORIM SEO: Actually, I set my goal one by one. The first goal is I really want to enjoy this event because this event has a lot of opportunities and benefits. But beyond that the next goal is I wanted is to make the cut. And then if I can make it, then I want to be in the top 5. If I can make it, I want to be the winner.

Q. As you said there's a lot at stake this week with the major championship exemptions. Does that inspire you, how do you feel about that?

KYORIM SEO: Those opportunities give me, of course, a lot of pressure, because this is my first appearance. But at the same time also huge motivation, because there's not any other tournaments giving this much opportunity. So I really want to do my best and wish me luck.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
129684-2-3033 2023-03-08 08:06:00 GMT

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