Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Thursday, 9 March 2023

Abbie Teasdale

Q. You just came off your first round here at the Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship. Can you talk us through your round today?

ABBIE TEASDALE: Yeah, I struggled at the start, but then I managed to get it back. My putting wasn't on today, but I was hitting it well. So, yeah, if I can just figure out my putting a little bit, then I'm sure I'll be fine.

Q. Are there any holes that stood out for you today - good or bad?

ABBIE TEASDALE: Yeah, there were quite a few good holes. The pins are in good positions today. But then there are some tricky ones. I think it's the 14th. Yeah, I think so, 14 or 13, is a pretty long hole. But, yeah, most of them are pretty straightforward. You just have to make sure you're hitting it into the right spot.

Q. What's your plan going into tomorrow?

ABBIE TEASDALE: I need to work on my putting and just try, I'm just going to try to get a bit closer tomorrow with the shorter shots. But, yeah, I think we're going to do some site seeing after as well, so I'm not going to think about golf for too long. I'm just going to have a break from it tonight as well.

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129740-2-3033 2023-03-09 04:52:00 GMT

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