Q. You just played your first round here at Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship. How did that go for you?
NADA MIR: It was a rough start, but I got it back, and it was a very challenging day today for me. But I know the mistakes that I made on the course. I'll be fixing them on the range tonight and hopefully limiting my mistakes and playing better tomorrow.
Q. Are there any holes that stood out for you today?
NADA MIR: Not really. It was all challenging today, so I can't really tell. The greens were amazing. There were great pin positions too. It wasn't an easy take. You actually had to fight for your score and unfortunately today I missed it, but I'll be coming back strong tomorrow.
Q. So what are you going to do this afternoon? What's your plan going into tomorrow?
NADA MIR: So going into tomorrow I'm going to try not to miss everything left because of how this course is designed. If you miss left, it's dangerous. There are so many traps left. And I'm a natural left misser. So this is an already challenging course and I'll be fixing and trying to hit a draw. I hit a fade, not hit draws, hit more fades, try playing on the safer side.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports