Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Friday, 10 March 2023

Caitlin Peirce

Q. Can you talk us through how it went in the second round today?

CAITLIN PEIRCE: I started well with a birdie. I felt like I gave myself a lot of opportunities. It was just a bit of back and forth and coming away even. I think no harm done for the day.

Q. How are you feeling?

CAITLIN PEIRCE: Pretty good. Probably better than yesterday afternoon. It wasn't so hot this morning, which was nice, and I'm glad I'll be able to relax this afternoon.

Q. What's your plan going into the weekend then?

CAITLIN PEIRCE: So hopefully I'll have a good tee time tomorrow, see if I can pick up some shots and see how it all goes the last day.

Q. Any changes to make?

CAITLIN PEIRCE: Not really. I think I'm doing things right. Hopefully I can get a few more putts to go in and all will be well.

Q. Feeling confident?


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129857-2-3033 2023-03-10 04:46:00 GMT

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