Q. You had another solid round today, an improvement on yesterday. Can you talk us through what happened out there, what worked?
SARAH HAMMETT: I started off well today like I did yesterday. My iron shots were pretty good. Putting towards the end of the round I had a few 3-putts but overall pretty happy with my round.
Q. Anything you need to work on for tomorrow?
SARAH HAMMETT: I think the short putts. I missed a few. But, yeah.
Q. Any plans for going forward?
SARAH HAMMETT: I think just the same as I've done the last two days. I think a bit of putting to work on speed and stuff like that to help going into the weekend.
Q. Away from this weekend, I understand that last year out of your five wins that you had one of them was the New South Wales Women's Amateur along with Harrison, who won the men's. Obviously he took the trophy at the AAC last year. Does that inspire you this week?
SARAH HAMMETT: Yeah, definitely feeling confident coming into this week and, yeah, just excited to see what the next few days brings.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports