NISHNA PATEL: Can you start by saying your name and what country you're playing for.
NISHNA PATEL: My name is Nishna Patel, and I'm from India.
Q. How did your round go today? Can you talk us through.
NISHNA PATEL: It was quite good. I was putting well. I was happy with the way I recovered -- the front nine wasn't so good, but I think I did well on the back nine.
Q. Are there any holes that stood out for you today?
NISHNA PATEL: Yeah, there were. I made four birdies, so I was quite happy with that.
Q. Can you talk us through what happened on those holes?
NISHNA PATEL: So on the 10th hole, I hit a nice approach shot, stuck it to like three feet, made the putt, so I was happy with that.
Q. What clubs were you using for that?
Q. Any other holes that were particularly good or bad for you today?
NISHNA PATEL: I made a double on the 7th hole, but it was okay, I recovered from it on the back nine.
Q. What happened on that hole?
NISHNA PATEL: I had like a 70-yard shot going into the green, but I caught it heavy, and it rolled back.
Q. What are you going to be working on going into the weekend?
NISHNA PATEL: I'm just trying to keep it simple and just focus on the greens more, short game.
Q. Are you feeling confident or a bit nervous or --
NISHNA PATEL: I'm confident.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports