Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Friday, 10 March 2023

Vanessa Richani

Q. I know sadly maybe not the result that you wanted this week, but how did it go out there for you today?

VANESSA RICHANI: Honestly, it went better than yesterday, so I am happy about that. It was a really cool experience. I mean, I came and did what I was here to do, which was representing my country, and I'm happy, and it was a good experience.

I'm not sad about it; let's just say that.

Q. You still made a birdie out there, though. What did work well for you out there?

VANESSA RICHANI: My irons were really good today, which was nice. My putting was good, too. Honestly, my whole game was good, just a couple of holes out there that I messed up on. Yeah, but overall it was good. Everything was going pretty well.

Q. What are you going to take away from it?

VANESSA RICHANI: I'm going to take away just taking one shot at a time and not getting too ahead of myself.

Q. What are your goals for the future now going forward?

VANESSA RICHANI: Continue to better my game and try to grow the game in Lebanon and go over there this year and see where things go from there.

Q. Do you hope to play in Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific again?

VANESSA RICHANI: Yes, I love this championship. I want to be back.

Q. Has it motivated you this week to do better and continue playing?

VANESSA RICHANI: Yeah, it really motivated me, and I feel like because the field was so strong, it made me play better, so that was nice.

Q. Have you learned anything from the girls out there?

VANESSA RICHANI: Yeah, I've learned that age is just a number. There are some young girls out there, and they have amazing games. It's good to see that the future of golf is looking good. That's nice.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
129894-2-3033 2023-03-10 08:47:00 GMT

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