Q. Can you talk us through your round today?
ZIXIN NI: I got six birdies and four bogeys because my putting was not so good today, and also the irons. But I think my wedges were good today. I got three-foot birdies and four-foot birdies today.
Q. You still got six birdies. If there's one that stood out, can you talk us through your approach to that, what clubs you used and the yardages?
ZIXIN NI: I got a birdie at the 2nd hole, and I used a 7-iron. It's like 15 yards, and I made it.
Q. Any holes that you need to work on?
ZIXIN NI: Maybe I think hole 7, because my driver was not so good today on that hole.
Q. What happened?
ZIXIN NI: I hit a big slice, and I went into the fairway on the 12.
Q. Is there anything you're going to be working on ahead of tomorrow? What's your goal?
ZIXIN NI: I just don't want to make four bogeys. I made six birdies, I think it's good, but there were too many bogeys.
Q. How are you going to prepare?
ZIXIN NI: I don't know the tee time tomorrow yet. I think maybe it's a little bit early, so I need to rest well, and that's it.
Q. Are you feeling confident going into the weekend?
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