Q. Can you talk us through your round today, please.
CAITLIN PEIRCE: So I started pretty slowly. Double on the 1st. Sort of came back to be only 1-over for the turn. Then sort of fell apart a little bit towards the end. But all things considered 2-over wasn't that bad considering how I was playing.
Q. Can you talk us through 9 then. What happened?
CAITLIN PEIRCE: I drove it in the bunker on the left. I hit it out to a foot, which was nice. So easy tap-in birdie.
Q. What were you using?
CAITLIN PEIRCE: I had a pitching wedge.
Q. Anything else out there today? Any of the holes that stood out for you which ones are you liking?
CAITLIN PEIRCE: Probably the par-3s. The par-3s are all right. Knowing if you hit a good tee shot it's not too bad.
Q. What are you working on going into the final day?
CAITLIN PEIRCE: If I could keep the ball in play, give myself a lot of opportunities and hopefully I can put together a good score tomorrow.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports