Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Saturday, 11 March 2023

Fiona Xu

Q. Can you talk us through your round today, please.

FIONA XU: I played pretty consistently on the front nine. I had one bogey, but one birdie. Back nine I made more birdies, but I also had a few bogeys.

Q. You had four birdies, I believe. Can you talk us through them and what happened?

FIONA XU: So I just made a long putt on the 9th for the first birdie. Then 11 and 12 I hit my approaches really close to the pins, so those were easy birdies. 17 was the same.

Q. What are you using on them?

FIONA XU: 11, I had a 9-iron. 12 and 17 were like chips.

Q. What happened with the bogeys?

FIONA XU: My first bogey I shanked my second shot. So I went on the green for 4 and I made my bogey putt.

Q. What are you working on this afternoon then?

FIONA XU: Probably putting.

Q. Anything you need to prepare going into the final day?

FIONA XU: Just play each hole, hole by hole. Try not to get ahead of myself.

Q. Are you feeling good, confident?

FIONA XU: Yeah, I'm confident.

Q. You've been quite consistent throughout the week. So something's working.


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