Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Sunday, 12 March 2023

Keeley Marx

Q. Can you talk us through your round today?

KEELEY MARX: Yeah, I started off pretty solid, honestly. I was 1-under with about five holes to play. Then, unfortunately, went double bogey, double, par to finish, so it was a bit of a stressful finish, unfortunately, to what a great week it's been. But I've enjoyed the experience, and I'm super happy that I got the opportunity to play here.

Q. What have you learnt this week?

KEELEY MARX: I've learnt just to be open with everybody, like meeting new people. It's been unreal. Just managing life over here is a little bit challenging like away from family, staying with people that you're not necessarily that close with and just building your friendships has been awesome. The climate is a lot different, as well, so that's been quite challenging to stay hydrated. You have to make sure you eat enough to be focused throughout the 72 holes.

Q. Any lasting memories from this week?

KEELEY MARX: Yeah, we went to the light show. But yeah, we made everybody go up there, and the person that organised it was Stacy, our manager, and she gets up there and she's like, guys, I'm scared of heights, and she's holding on to the rail like there is no tomorrow, and she's just - we're letting people pass us because she's just walking so slowly, one foot in front of the other, and it was just unreal to watch. There are so many photos and videos of her just not being okay with her eyes closed and looking up. It was a pretty good memory, and I won't forget it.

Q. What about the future? What's next?

KEELEY MARX: Yeah, so I'm going to college in the U.S. in August, Iowa State University, so for four years, which will be absolutely unbelievable to study over there and play Division 1 golf, which is ideal, and then hopefully, in probably five years, turn pro if I'm good enough. Hopefully, be top 20 in the world and get some good starts on the LPGA. If not, we'll see the degree that I get at Iowa.

Q. We'll be seeing you back here next year?

KEELEY MARX: If I'm allowed, absolutely. If I get selected, I'd love to come back for sure.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
130119-2-3033 2023-03-12 05:09:00 GMT

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