Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Sunday, 12 March 2023

Yuna Araki

Q. Can you talk us through your round today, please.

YUNA ARAKI: Obviously I tried to stay in the race in the championship, but I couldn't actually play as well as I expected, so I'm a little bit disappointed in myself but tried to stay strong until the end, so that was a really good thing for me.

Q. How has the overall experience been this week? What have you learnt?

YUNA ARAKI: First international tournament for me was the Asian Amateur last year, and then I still keep comparing what the difference is -- for me and other international amateur players, they're actually good at putting and they can hit much farther than me, so that's sort of like what I can work on, so back to home and practice for next challenge.

Q. What's next? What are your plans and goals for the future?

YUNA ARAKI: I'm going to play in Augusta, so I'll try to adjust my short game because the weather is different, so I'm going back to Japan to practice my short game to adjust.

Q. Are you looking forward to playing in Augusta? Are you excited?

YUNA ARAKI: Yeah, I'm very happy to play in Augusta, and I'm looking forward to it.

Q. Will we see you back here for Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific next year?

YUNA ARAKI: Actually I'm planning to take a professional test maybe this year, so I'm not sure. I would like to, but I'm not sure about the future.

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130134-2-3033 2023-03-12 06:23:00 GMT

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