Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Thursday, 1 February 2024

Amy Im

Q. Amy, congratulations. 4-under to start here at the Women's Amateur Asia Pacific. Must be pleased with your round.

AMY YANG: Yeah. I had really fun out there, and I just tried to keep calm. I just really enjoyed myself out in the heat. I tried to have fun and enjoy myself out there.

Q. Talk to us about the round. What moments stood out as highlights for you?

AMY YANG: I think it was definitely my putting, which is just quite lucky because I struggled with putting a few weeks ago. I'm glad it dropped every time I wanted it to go in the hole. It just listened, and, yeah, was really nice.

Q. What was it about your putting that clicked today, and is that something you have been working on in the past few weeks?

AMY YANG: Yes. Definitely, putting was the one I've been practicing a lot. I think it's showing right now, and I think it's pretty good that all my putts are going in.

Q. What hole do you think was your best performance out there? Which one stands out?

AMY YANG: I think it was probably the par-3s. I think I got some twos, and I think my shots really cooperated with my putting as well. It was good teamwork with my clubs.

Q. 4-under to begin the championship. Really nicely positioned. More of the same tomorrow? What are you looking to do?

AMY YANG: Yeah, it'll be great to carry out the good scoring throughout the week. I think I just want to focus on my own game and just try my best out there.

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