Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Thursday, 1 February 2024

Yahui Zhang

Q. Fantastic round today; 4-under par 68. Tell us about that and how happy you feel.

YAHUI ZHANG: Pretty happy, but I think it's not good enough actually.

Q. You had more chances then or why are you disappointed?

YAHUI ZHANG: Because I had more chances to make birdies, but I missed a lot. Just like three or four birdies, I didn't putt in.

Still disappointed, but still happy.

Q. And how did you find the course condition today?

YAHUI ZHANG: Actually, it's just hard, but I'm not afraid of hard, so it's just pretty comfortable to me actually.

Q. When you arrived here this week, what were your expectations? Do you think you can have a chance to challenge for the title?

YAHUI ZHANG: I didn't think too much. I just focus on myself, do my best, be happy, let the ball be saved, and that's all.

Q. After a good start, what will be the game plan for tomorrow's second round?

YAHUI ZHANG: Just play like today. Just to be 4-under, 3-under would be better, but just let the ball be safe, let me be happy, and let everything be comfortable. That's the most important thing to me.

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