Q. Very well played today. How do you think you went today?
CHUN-WEI WU: I'm happy I played well today, and I'm very happy with my driver and iron, it's playing well.
Q. Very good. What holes or shots stand out from your round, do you think were good?
CHUN-WEI WU: On the 4, 9, 10, and 15, 16, I have five birdies. It's a short putt. On 13 is 13-yard putting.
Q. What is your plan for tomorrow?
CHUN-WEI WU: Same as today, and focus on attacking the green. That's it.
Q. Very well done on the golf course.
CHUN-WEI WU: Thank you.
Q. And in your interview. Xie xie.
CHUN-WEI WU: Thank you.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports