Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Thursday, 1 February 2024

Justice Bosio

Q. Congratulations, 4-under today, bogey-free. How pleased are you with your round today?

JUSTICE BOSIO: Yeah, pretty happy. It's always good to get a good round out on the first day. Feel like I played pretty sold so, yeah, really happy.

Q. On the course was there any particular hole that stood out for you?

JUSTICE BOSIO: No, I played pretty consistently. Obviously as you said, bogey-free, so I didn't have any really bad holes or any scrambles for par, which was really solid. Yeah.

Q. When you mentioned, a bit of rain came into play. Did you switch up your approach?

JUSTICE BOSIO: With the wind -- with the rain came a little bit of wind, sorry. So we were on the 7th green when the rain came. The only thing I really did differently is hit a different club the 8th tee.

But the rain was nice. It brought a little bit of coolness with the wind as well.

Q. I guess what's the plan for tomorrow? Same? Tweaking anything?

JUSTICE BOSIO: Yeah, do a little bit of post-round practice, head to the hotel, have dinner, and out early tomorrow. Game plan is the exact same.

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140865-2-1147 2024-02-01 09:49:00 GMT

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