Q. Congratulations. 4-under today. Tell us about your round today?
SUVICHAYA VINIJCHAITHAM: My round, it was okay today. Actually, I hit my driver quite good, quite straight and far, so I think it gave me a chance to like approach near the hole and make a putt.
Q. So was that the main difference between yesterday and today for you?
SUVICHAYA VINIJCHAITHAM: Not really. I can do it two days, but yesterday day I would say it was just bad luck for me.
Q. Can you tell us a bit more about the last bogey? You were doing pretty well, right up to that point bogey-free.
SUVICHAYA VINIJCHAITHAM: Yeah, I expect to made a birdie, but I just hit it bad on the second shot. I hit a 3-wood and hooked it into the water.
Q. You have made the cut, so what is the plan for tomorrow? More aggressive or just more of the same?
SUVICHAYA VINIJCHAITHAM: No, just same as usual. Just fairway and green, fairway and then green. That's it.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports