Q. Hi, Sabrina. Unfortunately you didn't quite make the cut. Can you tell me about this whole experience? How has it been for you?
SABRINA WONG: I really enjoyed the experience. The course is really great. Today my front nine was good, but my just -- my putting was not bad, but there was just something wrong with my swing.
And also I lost focus in the middle because of the heat and just a bit of luck, and then I just missed some putts close to the hole.
But the overall experience was great. I made a lot of new friends. Played with some wonderful players.
Q. In terms of what will be the biggest takeaway from you on the golf? Anything you need to work on?
SABRINA WONG: I want to work on my -- I play my drivers very -- it's kind of unstable for these two days, and I think that I would improve if I played maybe more straight for all my woods and my irons and my driver.
Q. What's next for you the next couple of months?
SABRINA WONG: Later this month I'm going to play a junior competition in Spain, so I'm very excited for that tournament.
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