Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Saturday, 3 February 2024

Caitlin Peirce

Q. Hi, Caitlin. Had a pretty good round today. Start off with the eagle you got on 15. Tell me a bit more about that, the approach for that hole.

CAITLIN PEIRCE: Yeah, so it was playing like 225, driver, worked in the practice round and I caught grain, so rolled up to eight feet and easy putt.

Q. I think lowest round for you prior to this in the previous tournament was 70, and today you beat that. What clicked for you today?

CAITLIN PEIRCE: I guess I gave myself a lot of opportunities. Had plenty of birdie putts. Didn't convert as many as I wanted to, but held it together.

Q. How much did it help that you're playing alongside Justice today?

CAITLIN PEIRCE: It's pretty crazy. We play together a lot back home, so just like another round really.

Q. What's the mindset going into the final day tomorrow?

CAITLIN PEIRCE: I guess try and go as low as I can.

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