Q. Congratulations. So 4-under today for a total of 12-under. Can you tell me about your round?
PIMPISA RUBRONG: So today I hit 4-under. I just hit the same as two days ago, but sometimes I just do not make the putt, like a short one, that I can make a birdie. So yeah, five birdies for today.
Q. So you're in fifth position now. In previous years, you did not make the cut, so it's going well for you. What has been the difference this time for you?
PIMPISA RUBRONG: So this time, after I make the cut, I just feel I have made an improvement, more than last year because I just practice a lot.
Q. And what is your mindset going into the final day tomorrow?
PIMPISA RUBRONG: For tomorrow, I think I am going to make more birdies so I can have more chances to go to the top.
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