Q. Congratulations, Arianna. So great performance this whole championship. Tell us about how it all went for you.
ARIANNA LAU: Yeah, it was such a good experience playing on this big stage. I had a lot of fun. Really enjoyed it and learned a lot.
Compared to my last two performance in WAAP I think I improved a lot technically and mentally, and I'm really happy with my score and I hope to keep improving.
Q. And in terms of representing your city, how proud are you to be able to represent Hong Kong?
ARIANNA LAU: Yeah, such an honor to represent Hong Kong, because WAAP is like one of the biggest amateur events. Yeah, I'm just really happy and really grateful to be here and representing.
Q. What's next for you?
ARIANNA LAU: I think my next big tournament will be in New Zealand, so really looking forward to that. For remainder of this year I also have lots of tournaments so I hope to keep the momentum from this event good take it to the next tournament.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports