Women's Amateur Asia-Pacific Championship

Quick Quotes

Sunday, 4 February 2024

Eunseo Choi

Q. Congratulations, Eunseo. So pretty consistent this championship; ending with 6-under score. Tell me how the golf went for you this week.

EUNSEO CHOI: I played pretty consistently, in my opinion. It wasn't the best score I wanted, but I think it was quite a bit of improvement compared to my first tournament.

My putting was actually pretty great this week. I really saved quite a lot of pars from up and down, yeah.

Q. Best finish right now. How proud are you of your performance this week?

EUNSEO CHOI: I'm very proud of my performance. I think I did have quite an improvement in the last three years. Although it's not like a real big jump, I can see my improvement, so I guess I should be quite happy with what's going on.

Q. What does it mean to you to be able to represent New Zealand at this championship?

EUNSEO CHOI: I feel proud to be able to represent New Zealand because New Zealand has been following me forever, and I was born and raised in New Zealand, so it's like just bringing my home country back into Thailand.

Q. What's next for you?

EUNSEO CHOI: I'm playing New Zealand Amateurs, and afterwards, there is Queen Sirikit's Cup, so I'll be playing that with some teammates.

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