The Amateur Championship

Quick Quotes

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Nathan Legendre

Q. You must be really pleased with that effort today?


Q. What was the strength to your round?


Q. What was the key to your round?

NATHAN LEGENDRE: Really good drive, driving, and long putts, very long putts, 20 yards. Didn't make a big error. Just played simply centre of fairway, not long, just centre. Centre of green. And I just want to make many par, and sometimes the putt go in.

Q. So you like this course?

NATHAN LEGENDRE: Yeah, I prefer this course. Yeah, and no wind today. So we can just play your golf, no wind, which is good.

Q. And you're 5-under and a nice position to qualify for the match play which obviously starts tomorrow.

NATHAN LEGENDRE: Tomorrow, I don't know I just want to, I played this match, any match, want to win, but I don't know if I win at the end of the week. So match after match, and I see after.

Q. What's your best finish in the amateur before?

NATHAN LEGENDRE: It's my first time.

Q. I did wonder that, so that's obviously fantastic for your first time to be --

NATHAN LEGENDRE: First time I play Lytham last month, I was 9-over after two holes, not good. But this month, this week, really good.

Q. You had some practise at Lytham a month --


Q. You played Lytham Trophy?

NATHAN LEGENDRE: No. I played 9-over. But it's good practise. Good practise.

Q. Just a practise round?

NATHAN LEGENDRE: Yeah. So yesterday and today, I played well and simply.

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