Q. Well done winning at the 22nd, that was a tough battle?
ARCHIE DAVIES: It was. I didn't have my best stuff. It was such a grind. Found something on the like 21st hole, my swing, whatever, and started hitting it better. Yeah, eventually got it done but yeah, it was a grind.
Q. Happy to be finished and through to the next round?
ARCHIE DAVIES: Yeah, definitely. Yeah, I just take tomorrow as comes. I don't know who I'm playing or anything yet. Yeah, tomorrow is a new day so look forward to it.
Q. Thoughts on the course and how have you managed it out there?
ARCHIE DAVIES: I hit it in a lot more bunkers today than I did in the stroke play. So yeah, I'll try not to go in them the rest of the week. No, I putted great. I kept myself in it with my putter, birdied 18. I was 1-down going 18, birdied it to force a playoff and holed a 20-footer on the second playoff hole to keep it going again. Then yeah, on the 4th, hit two good shots on green and won it. It was good.
Q. When you win and you have to really grind out that win, what does it do for the confidence? Does that boost it?
ARCHIE DAVIES: Yeah, I think like today, probably the way I started playing in terms of hitting it but to know that I can still get the job done and get the result is really great, and yeah, just keeping moving this week and keep getting better.
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