The Amateur Championship

Quick Quotes

Friday, 17 June 2022

Alex Maguire

Q. Alex, congratulations in making it into the final four here at The Amateur Championship. I'm sure that you would have liked to have gone a couple better than that but can you reflect on the week for us?

ALEX MAGUIRE: Yeah, it's a bittersweet moment at this point. You get so close to the final, you really want to make it and I know all the stuff that comes with it but I was never thinking about that. Never got in my mind this week. I just didn't have it today. I drove it quite poorly. Putter went cold.

But yeah, you look, you take last week and you say, right, you're in the semifinal at the British Am, I would have bit your hand off. It's been a fantastic week. It's one of the most enjoyable weeks of my life to be honest. Getting so close, but it was just a wonderful week.

Q. What do you take from this week?

ALEX MAGUIRE: That you can beat anybody. One of the biggest things for me was to beat Mark Power yesterday, everybody sort of knows how good he is and to take him down gave me a lot of confidence. I felt like, no disrespect to the rest of the lads, but I always felt like I could beat anybody and any match would be easy. Obviously they are not easy. Just a lot of confidence that I can do it on the big stage when it matters, even though I fell short, I'm not going to go home deterred.

Q. You've had a lot of support this week and back home. What does that mean to you?

ALEX MAGUIRE: Yeah, the support, takes you back a little bit. I know my friend, Jack, came over to caddie for me today. He got a half six flight. If that doesn't show you what support is, no one knows what it is. A lot of support from home. My dad's mates came out today to follow. It's massive. It's really special to have a really good support group behind me that if things don't go too well, I can go home, have a few pints with them. They will console me. The support this week and the last couple years have been incredible.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
121814-2-1003 2022-06-17 16:05:00 GMT

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