Q. Was it the morning ultimately that was a problem?
SAM BAIRSTOW: It was a bit of both, really. Aldrich played good golf. I don't think he dropped a shot this morning. Around here, in a bit of wind, that's great golf. I didn't have my best stuff this morning. Probably just a little bit nervy. But he's gone out and won that.
Q. You have to be proud of yourself, standing after lunch, seven down on the first tee, you've got within two with four to play, should you take heart from that.
SAM BAIRSTOW: Yeah, definitely. With all the crowds here, there's a lot of people I know here, and I suppose that spurred me on a bit. Yeah, I couldn't get it all the way back but it was good.
Q. Getting three there in a row, two down with four, those are difficult holes to come but did you feel you could do this?
SAM BAIRSTOW: I feel like there was momentum on my, side a little bit but Aldrich had not really missed a shot all day. I sort of had to make birdies. I don't think he was going to give a lot away.
I still don't think there was a lot of chance but obviously there still was.
Q. A bit of home support, a few roars must have been keeping you going?
SAM BAIRSTOW: Yeah, a bit emotional at the end obviously with everyone cheering but unfortunately couldn't do it for them but it was good.
Q. He's a player, not really known, 140 in WAGR, came here, first trip to the U.K. You've seen it close-up. What kind of player is he?
SAM BAIRSTOW: Just solid. He has a nice little fade off the tee, don't really miss, and great short game and great putter.
Give him my best wishes in all the majors, and good luck for the rest of his career.
Q. That's good to hear. But what do you take out of this personally? I know you've played The Open before, in terms of your own career going forward?
SAM BAIRSTOW: Well, I suppose growing up, if you'd said to me, would you ever reach the final of The Amateur, I'd say no, and here around Lytham, it's quite special.
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